



Topcon Maestro2

The Topcon Maestro2 is a robotic OCT and fundus camera that captures photos of the retina and a cross section of the retina, macula, and optic nerve. A 3-D wide field screening of the retina is performed for routine evaluation of the retina for patient’s who exhibit high risk to diabetes, glaucoma, macular degeneration, and other sight threatening visual conditions.

Visual field VR

The Virtual Field VR is the newest in high tech equipment in eyecare. It is designed with the patient experience and comfort in mind. The equipment measures the peripheral visual field, which helps to assess for glaucoma, optic nerve damage, diabetic retinal disease, etc. It can also test color vision to assess for red green color blindness.

Optikam Posture Device (OPD)

The Optikam Posture Device is another high tech equipment which measures a patient’s posture, tilt, head position, and other facial metrics to provide a digital assessment of the type of eyeglass lenses to produce for the patient. This allows the optical technician to take custom measurements to the specific frame the patient selects. It takes a total of 10 different measurements that allows us to offer the best visual experience to the patient with superior lens products.

Norwood digital equipment

A suite of vision testing equipment using digital technology to measure a patient’s refraction. A refraction test is performed by an optometrist to check for refractive error and to check if a patient can see better with glasses. It is generally performed using a manual phoropter where lenses are showed in sequence of 1 or 2 and the patient selects the option that is better of the two. A digital phoropter allows the optometrist to show different test patterns using shapes, lines, colors, letters or a combination of all to accurately measure the refraction in a unique way. It takes less time and thus more comfortable from the patient’s perspective.

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